D sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the line. E sits third to the right of D. ______ _____ _____ D ____ ____ E _____ ……… (I) _____ ______ _____ _____ D _____ _____ E ………. (II) As many people sit to the right of E as to the left of F. Only one person sits between F and G. ______ F _____ D ____ ____ E _____ ……… (I) F ______ G _____ D _____ _____ E ………. (II) H sits to the immediate right of K. Only one person sits between K and I. F J G I D K H E ………. (II) Final arrangement: F J G I D K H E
Rohan's position from the left in a row of boys is 25th and Pranav's position from the right is 38th. After interchanging their po...
N is the grandmother of _____.
Radhika ranks 5th in the class of 53 children. What is her rank from the bottom in the class?
What can be the possible age of V?
Ramesh is 18th from the right end in a row of 60 boys. What is his position from the left end?
Who live on the fourth floor of flat 2?
How is Q related to O?
In a class of students, Rajesh ranks 15th from the top and Prakash ranks 25th from the bottom. Gyan is on the 10th place ahead of Prakash. If there are ...
How many persons are lighter than V?
How many boxes are heavier than box P?