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Ana is sitting to the immediate left of Ben and immediate right of Cen, which means Ana is sitting between Ben and Cen. Cen is sitting to the immediate right of Feni => Feni – Cen – Ana – Ben Dino is to the immediate right of Ela who is to the left of Feni, means Dino is sitting between Ela and Feni and Ela is at the extreme left end. Final arrangement is shown below: It is clear that Feni and Cen are sitting at the center. Hence, correct answer is (C).
National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) is situated at _____________.
The Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan (PM-SYM) scheme is primarily aimed at:
Which of the following scheme aims to provide a lump sum family benefit of Rs 10,000/- to the bereaved households in case of the death of the primary ac...
PM- Ucchatar shiksha Abhiyan focuses on which of the following points?
Which of the following components is not part of the assistance provided under PMAY-G?
What is the amount earmarked for Agriculture Credit in Union Budget 2023-24?
As per Economic Survey 2021-22, Gross fixed capital formation exceeded pre-pandemic levels and is estimated to have grown by ____ in 2021-22?
What is the Rank of India in the Global Gender Gap Report 2022?
NISHTHA Programme is one of the significant programmes that us aimed at changing the education scenario of our country. Who are the beneficiaries of th...
With reference to MSME sector, consider the following statements:
I. MSME sector in India accounts for most of the employment generation in the e...