The correct answer is B
When all the letters of the word ‘MISMANAGEMENT’ are replaced by its immediately preceding letter as per the English Alphabetical series, then how m...
H is the son-in-law of G and is the brother-in-law of M who is the brother of K. K is the daughter of G. How is M related to G?
V is married to F. S is the daughter of V, who is the mother-in-law of L. B is the son of L. F has only one child. How is F related to L?
In equation ‘P – Q % R & S + T’, how is P related to T?
How is G related to F?
Which among the following option(s) is/are definitely true?
N, O, Q, R, S and T are seven members in a family. N is married to Q, who has two children, O and R. T is the only son of S, who is sister- in- law of R...
I is the father of G but G is not the son of I, who is married to P. N is the mother-in-law of P. How is G related to E, if E is married to N?
A, C, E, G, I and K are six family members. I is son of G, who is not the mother of I. C is brother of G. K and G are a married couple. E is daughter of...
If F&G@E@C$D then how is C related to F?