The logic followed here is: The letter which is at the middle is changing to its 2nd succeeding letter as per the English Alphabetical series and in each figure the 1st letter and the 2nd letter swap their position, similarly the 4 th letter and the 5 th letter swap their position.
The latin roots for the word ‘Extension’
Which of the following is the smallest order of class insecta
Black and dark coloured soil absorb ___________ heat from sunlight then light-coloured soil.
Which statement is not true about aquaporins?
Which enzyme is responsible for the ripening process?
In India, Tank irrigation is more common in which of the following regions:
As per Final estimates of Foodgrain production 2023-24, what was the estimated total production of food grains in India?
Which was first Indian dwarf amber grained variety of wheat made from Sonara 64 by γ –gamma rays
ICAR - sugarcane breeding institute is one of the oldest research institute and is situated in
The main aim of plant breeding is