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We can make out that the problem of pollution is extensive that it led to unbreathable air and a deadly haze and as per a study farm fire has been found to account for only 40% of pollution, hence both I and II are implicit assumptions, and correct answer is option 5.
Nuclei contain densely granular region called
Which fruit is richest source of Riboflavin?
In duopsony market there will be
In the following given options, What is the importance of mitosis cell division?
The aromatic plant used to provide delicate fragrance for floral decoration, bouquets is
Choose the correct statements:
(A) Naphtha is a fraction of petroleum.
(B) Percolation is downward movement of water through soil.
In oxygenic photosynthetic organism, photosynthetic pigment is located in ___________
Super rice is developed by
Which one is a warm season crop?
The soils of very cold climates which are defined as containing permafrost within two meters of the soil surface belongs to the order