Had the word “only” not written in the Assumption I, it would have been implicit but here it says that stations will have space only for two wheelers. Since the statement does not say anything about the other types of vehicles, Assumption I is not implicit. Assumption II is also not implied as we don’t know about the congestion and parking situation in the area.
Which is/arecommon spoilage seen in canned food
Which of the following nutrient is highest in poultry manure?
Which of the following Indian sheep breed is known for producing superior
quality carpet wool
The promising irrigation technique in rice crop is:
The correct order of crops with respect to their water requirement
Saline soils are reclaimed by
Coverage area of knapsack sprayer (hand operated) is _____
______ is not used to reclaim acid soils.
In which crop earthing is not required?
Tryptophan is the precursor of