Matches are played between 1 Vs 2, 3 Vs 4, 5 Vs 6, 7 Vs 8, 9 Vs 10, 11 Vs 12, 13 Vs 14, 15 Vs 16 Lower ranked team always wins. For eg- In Team-1 Vs team-2 match team-2 wins So 1-2-Team 2 wins 3-4-Team 4 wins 5-6-Team 6 wins 7-8-Team 8 wins 9-10-Team 10 wins 11-12-Team 12 wins 13-14-Team 14 wins 15-16 Team 16 wins Thus 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 wins Again matches are played between 2 Vs 4, 6 Vs 8, 10 Vs 12 14 Vs 16 24-Team 4 wins 68-Team 8 wins 10-12-Team 12 wins 14-16-Team 16 wins Lower ranks wins that is-4, 8, 12, 16 ie we have 4 teams which play semifinal. So semis played between-4 and 8, 12 and 16 4 B-Team 8 wins 12 > 16-Team 16 wins Thus Team 12 and team-16 will play semifinal since team-4 and team-8 is not given in options.
If the stock exchange fails to submit the scheme of corporatization and demutualization or the scheme submitted is rejected by SEBI, then the central...
Match the following international courts/tribunals with their areas of jurisdiction as per Public International Law:
<...Promises which form the consideration or part of the consideration for each other, are called:
Court may order execution________.
A person can be summoned as a witness under section 160 of the CrPC by:
As per the provisions of the IRDA Act with respect to the tenure of office of the chairperson and other persons, no person shall hold office as a Chairp...
The Aircraft Act provides that in the interest of the safety of aircraft operations, if the Central Government decides to regulate construction, erecti...
Abetment of abetment is:
When a counterclaim is set up in a suit, what happens to the counterclaim if the suit is dismissed?
For the liability of the master to arise in the context of vicarious liability, which of the following is NOT one of the essentials?