Which one of the following will come in third place when arranged in Alphabetical order?
B S * 4 M @ K %9 + A L $ R 3 U 5 H & # Z V 2 Ω W 7 Q X 6
How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately ...
If all the letters in the word ‘LEAVING’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first followed by...
Amitabh takes leave on which day?
Find the next term in the series: CNP, FPR, IRT, ?
Arrange the words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that come at second last.
What is the sum of all the numbers, which are either immediately preceded or immediately succeeded by a vowel in the given arrangement?
In the given series, how many elements are immediately preceded by a number, which is a perfect square?
If all the words are arranged according to the alphabetical series from right to left, then which word is third from the left end?
How many vowels are there in all the words if the last alphabet in each alphabet is replaced by the succeeding letter?