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No wire is a pole (E) ⇒ Conversion ⇒ No pole is a wire (E). Hence conclusion I follow. No wire is pole(E) + Some poles are irons (I) ⇒ Some irons are not wires(O*). Hence conclusion II follows. Some chalks are wires(I) + No wire is pole(E) ⇒ Some chalks are not poles (O) + Some poles are irons(I) ⇒ No conclusion. Hence conclusion III does not follow.
Who is the author of the book "Why Bharat Matters," which is praised as a masterful exposition of diplomatic skills and political perspicacity?
Who wrote the famous book 'A Brief History of Time'?
How many bones are found in the upper limb?
Which literary work titled "The Humble Administrator's Garden" is authored by?
Katie Taylor is famous boxer from which country?
The New Delhi Municipal Committee(NDMC) has passed a proposal to rename New Delhi's Rajpath,the road from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate.
Who authored 'Harshacharita', a biography of the Indian emperor Harshavardhana?
When was the first five year plan started?
Who among the following people wrote a book named "Kitab al-Tafhim"?
Who is elected as the chairman of the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO)?