All Skirts are Shirts (A) → Conversion → Some Shirts are Skirts (I). Hence conclusion I follows. All Skirts are Shirts (A) + Some Shirts are not Socks (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion II does not follow.
During germination radical and plumule develop from?
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
Crop raised to protect the main crop from adverse impact of nature and also to provide support to the crop is called:
A farmer, who has land holding between 1 to 2 hectares, is known as:
Nitrogen is applied into transplanted rice in the proportion of:
“The amount of soil moisture held between the two cardinal points viz., field capacity at ____ bar and permanent wilting point at ____bar is available...
Caramelin are possessing following taste
Tea’s red rust disease is caused by
In india hybrid rice seed production is done through
This method of depreciation is suitable for livestock assets