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No wire is a cable (E) + Some cables are paints (I) Some paints are not wires (O*) All bulbs are wires (A) + No wire is a cable (E) No bulb is a cable (E) Conversion Some cables are not bulbs (O). All bulbs are wires (A) + No wire is a cable (E) No bulb is a cable (E) + Some cables are paints (I) Some paints are not bulbs (O*). Hence, option 1 is correct.
Which of the following state has received India Agribusiness Awards 2022 in the Best state category for their contribution in the areas of agriculture?
Which kind of soil is best for growing cotton?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the …………………… installment of financial benefit worth Rs 16,000 crore to over 11 crore eligible farm...
As per the third advanced estimate, the total fruit production is maximally observed in which of the following state?
Who broke Sachin Tendulkar's record to become the fastest to reach 26,000 international runs?
Which crop is richest source of iron?
India is the second Largest Producer of Rice Globally with a record rice production in 2021-22 is about ……………………..
...Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?
Kanha National Park is situated in which state?
Wheat, Barley, Gram and Mustards are an example of