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Only few Trees are Forest → Some Trees are Forest (I) and Some Trees are not Forest (O). Hence conclusion I does not follow. All Animals are Jungles (A) + Some Jungles are Trees (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion II does not follow. Some Jungles are Trees (I) + Some Trees are Forest (I) → Probable conclusion → Some Jungles are Forest (I) + No Forest is a Farm (E) → Some Jungles are not Farms (O) → Probable conclusion → Some Jungles farm be Farms (I). Hence conclusion III follows.
Who has been awarded the ‘Malcolm Adiseshiah Prize 2022’?
In 2015, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was held at -
Which institutions signed an agreement to strengthen the Indian aviation sector?
Who presides over the joint session of both houses of the Indian Parliament?
Who has been appointed as the permanent CEO of Penguin Random House?
Which organizations participated in the Joint Flood Relief 'Exercise Jal Rahat' conducted by the Gajraj Corps of the Indian Army?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has canceled the Certificate of Registration of Chennai-based Ind Bank Housing Ltd. HUDCO and which bank are the major s...
What is the budgetary outlay for Ken Betwa river linking project?
What is the objective of the National Genome Strategy presented in the UAE?
Which bank recently launched an e-Bank Guarantee (e-BG) facility in collaboration with NeSL ?