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No Month is Year (E) + Some Year are Clock (I) → Some Clock are not Month (O*). Hence conclusion I follows but conclusion III does not follow. Some Year are Clock (I) + A few Clock is days (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion II does not follow.
Red rot of Sugarcane is caused by
Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?
Which of these helps to diagnose a heart problem?
Which part of the human brain is located above the medulla and below the midbrain?
Which blood type can individuals with the Bombay Blood group (HH) receive transfusions from?
What is the medico-legal name given to the dissection and study of a dead human body?
Which membrane covers the lungs for protection?
What does the term "karyokinesis" refer to in cell biology?
Fermentation is a
Which organ have the capacity of regeneration