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No pen is a pencil (E) + All pencil are book (A) ⇒ Some book are not pen (O*). Hence, conclusion I will follow. All pencil are book ⇒ Conversion ⇒ Some book are pencil (I). Hence, conclusion II also follow.
Which part of ruminant’s stomach is called its true stomach?Â
In which housing system, repeated spreading of straw or sawdust material in indoor booths. An initial layer of litter is spread for the animals to us...
Which part of ruminant’s stomach contains billions of bacteria, protozoa, molds, and yeasts?Â
Which color sticky traps are used for aphids and white fly?
The average dry matter requirement of desi cow is ____ during dry period and ____ during lactating period.
The process of Let down of milk in the udder is due to which hormone-
The lactometer reading for cow milk should be ____ at 15.5 ℃ .Â
Family of Anola is
Which of the following is the prominent dual purpose breed of north India widely spread in Indo Gangetic plains, primarily reared for bullock production...
The combination of physiological events which take place starting with estrus (heat) and ending with the next heat is termed estrous cycle. The estrous ...