Only few Comets are Constellation → Some Comets are Constellation (I) and Some Comets are not Constellation (O). Hence conclusion I does not follow. All Planets are Satellites (A) + Some Satellites are Comets (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion II does not follow. Some Satellites are Comets (I) + Some Comets are Constellation (I) → Probable conclusion → Some Satellites are Constellation (I) + No Constellation is a Meteors (E) → Some Satellites are not Meteors (O) → Probable conclusion → Some Satellites meteors be Meteors (I). Hence conclusion III follows.
In November 2021, who was appointed as Head Coach of the Indian cricket team (Senior Men)?
Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
Part IX of Indian constitution is related with ______.
Electrostatic precipitation is most widely used to control
Who made the use of Gun powder common in North India to defeat enemies?
The credit deposit ratio of Scheduled commercial bank is lower in which region at 44.7%?
What is the primary objective of the Sagarmala Scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015?
Linthoi Chanambam is associated with which of the following sports events?
The "Twin Balance Sheet Problem" in India refers to the stress on which two sectors?
The natural aging of a lake by nutrient enrichment of its water is termed as: