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Only Pluto is Saturn → All Saturn are Pluto and Saturn can have negative relation. Hence conclusion I follows. Only a few Planet is Mars → Probable conclusion → All Mars may be Planet (A). Hence conclusion II follows. Only a few Planet is Mars (I) + No Mars is Pluto (E) → Some Pluto are not Planet (O*). Hence conclusion III does not follow.
Which one of the following is NOT a web browser?
Which network device is used to connect different networks and forward data based on IP addresses?
What is the primary significance of a MAC address on a NIC (Network Interface Card)?
An example of a telecommunications device is a ________.
What is the full form of bps in terms of computer networking?
Who translates the domain name into its associated IP address?
_______ topology requires a multipoint connection.
What is the range of IP addresses for Class A networks?
Which of the following software in a PC has inbuilt Firewall
Which wireless standard provides the fastest data transfer rates in a Wi-Fi network?