Few hands are arms (I) + All arms are shoulders (A) → Some hands are shoulders (I). Hence conclusion I follows. Only hands are legs → All legs are hands (A) and legs can have negative relation with anyone. Hence conclusion II follows.
Dwarfing gene in rice is
A neem product used as insect repellent is:
In a comprehensive study assessing the impact of chemicals on organisms, which term refers to the concentration of a toxicant in the surrounding environ...
Insecticides kill ...........................?
Ocimum sanctum belongs to the family
Purple pigmentation in Brassicas is due to:
Which of the following is not matched correctly in context with the growth stages in wheat crop?
Honey-comb structure is found in
Which one is cole-crop:
Millets are a highly varied group of small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Which is n...