I lives to the immediate west of H on floor-2. D lives in an even numbered floor. As per these lines two cases will arrive: G lives in the same flat in which I lives. (By using this line we get 2 more cases) E who lives in an odd numbered flat, does not live above K. Immediate west flat of E is vacant. Also K and E do not share the same floor. Brief Hints: E must live in FLAT-3 of floor-1 (odd number) and lives below K. Note: Immediate west flat of E is vacant (this condition not possible in Case-2A, hence rejected) F and G live in the same floor while F and J shared the same flat. Note: Case-1 and Case-1-A gets rejected since we can’t satisfy the above said condition Case 2 is the final result. [Final Arrangement]
'कर्कश' का विलोम_____होगा।
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