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How many fundamental principles are provided in section 3 of The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015?
The General lien is not applicable to which of the following?
A painter purchased a painting machine to paint the house of a very important customer. While painting, due to a malfunctioning in the painting machine...
Equal Justice and Free Legal Aid. This is a …
“Doli incapax” is a word used for?
In which of the following judgements has the Supreme Court struck down Section 66A of Information Technology Act,2000?
The Court, after the case has been heard, shall pronounce judgment, and _______________.
Time-limit of arbitral award in case of International Commercial Arbitration is_______?
Section 25-A making provision for Directorate of Prosecution in states was inserted in Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 vide ______.
Which of the following is not the part of right to freedom as enshrined in the Article 19 of the Constitution of India (As amended)?