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Some swings are rollers(I) + All rollers are coasters(A) ⇒ Some swings are coasters(I) ⇒Probable conclusion ⇒ All coasters may be swings(A). Hence, conclusion I follows. All bridges are swings(A) ⇒ Conversion ⇒ Some swings are bridges(I). Hence, conclusion II does not follow. Some swings are rollers(I) ⇒ Conversion ⇒ Some rollers are swings(I). Hence, conclusion III follows.
If a firm has been changing its depreciation policy every year, it is violating the_______ concept/principle of accounting.
There are certain expenses that may be in the nature of revenue but their benefit may not be consumed in the year in which such expenditure has been inc...
NRV or net realizable value of inventory is the expected selling price or market value less....