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FIRB method of planting is followed in which crop?
An example of C4 crop is
A complex structure prevalent in plant roots known as Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) is formed by the mutually reinforcing interactions of soil ...
Which early maturing variety of pigeon pea, suitable for short-duration cultivation, was developed in India?
In April, 2023, the National Natural Farming Mission was started in Uttarakhand. This Mission aims at improving the soil health, biased use of natural r...
A specialised body, for effective and expeditious disposal of cases relating to environmental protection and conservation of forests and other natural...
FPO stands for food process order and it is a certification mark for the processed food industry to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation is maintained ...
What will be the weed control efficiency (%) if weed dry matter in weedy check plot is 40 quintals and in treated plot it is 20 quintals/ha ?
The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area is known as
In case the seized food article is perishable and is unfit for human consumption, the Food Safety Officer should: