From Statement I. Few Chips are Flavours (I) + No Flavour is Ingredient (E) → Some Chips are not Ingredients (O) → Probable conclusion → Some Chips may be Ingredients (I). Hence conclusion I follows. All Colours are Brands (A) + No Brand is a Flavour (E) → No Colour is a Flavour (E). Hence conclusion II does not follow. From Statement II. Only Brands are Chips → All Chips are Brands and Chips cannot have positive relation with anyone. Hence conclusion I does not follow. All Flavours are Brands (A) + [All Colours are Brands (A) → Conversion] → Some Brands are Colours (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion II does not follow. From Statement III. Some Colours are Ingredients (I) → Conversion → Some Ingredients are Colours (I) + All Colours are Chips (A) → Some Ingredients are Chips (I) → Conversion → Some Chips are Ingredients (I). Hence conclusion I does not follow. All Brands are Colours (A) → Conversion → Some Colours are Brands (I) + All Brands are Flavours (A) → Some Colours are Flavours (I). Hence conclusion II follows. From Statement IV. All Ingredients are Flavours (A) + No Flavour is a Brand (E) → No Ingredients is a Brand (E) + No Brand is a Chip (E) → Probable conclusion → Some Chips may be Ingredients (I). Hence conclusion I follows. Only a few Colours are Ingredients (I) + All Ingredients are Flavours (A) → Some Colours are Flavours (I). Hence conclusion II follows.
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