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From Statement I. No Usage is a Producer (E) + Some Producer are Consumers (I) → Some Consumers are not Usages (O*) + Some Consumers are Consumptions (I) → No conclusion. Hence conclusion I does not follow. Some Consumers are Consumptions (I) → Conversion → Some Consumptions are Consumers (I) → Probable conclusion → Some Consumers are Consumptions (O). Hence conclusion II follows. From Statement II. Only Producer are Usages → All Usages are Producer and Usages can have negative relation with anyone. Hence conclusion I follows. Only a few Consumers are Consumptions → Some Consumers are not Consumptions (O). Hence conclusion II follows. From Statement III. All Usages are Consumers (A) + No Consumer is a Producer (E) → No Usage is a Producer (E) + Some Producer are Consumptions (I) → Some Consumptions are nor Usages (O*). Hence conclusion I does not follow. No Consumer is a Producer (E) + Some Producer are Consumptions (I) → Some Consumptions are not Consumers (O*). Hence conclusion II does not follow. From Statement IV. No Consumption is a Consumer (E) + A few Consumers are Usages (I) → Some Usages are not Consumptions (O*). Hence conclusion I does not follow. No Consumption is a Consumer (E) → Conversion → Some Consumers are not Consumptions (O). Hence conclusion II follows.
Phomopsis blight occurs in which of the following crops
Domination of weed causes:
The earthworm that is considered as surface dwellers live near the soil surface is called as?
Fertilizer which is present in granulated form and not in vapor form.
Rodents are also known as
Tree banding is done in mango trees to control ______ insect pest.
What is the primary time of application for a pre-emergence herbicide?
The point at which CO2 uptake exactly balances CO2 release is called
The formulation of 2, 4-D which is absorbed faster by plants is
A technology where water is recycled and reused after mechanical and biological
filtration and removal of suspended matter and metabolites is kn...