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Only a few BB are DD → Some BB are not DD (O) and Some BB are DD (I). Hence conclusion I follows. Only BB are LL → All LL are BB and LL cannot have any positive relation with anyone. Hence neither conclusion II not IV follow. No BB is AA (E) + A few AA are OO (I) → Some OO are not BB (O*) → Probable conclusion → All BB may be OO (A). Hence conclusion III does not follow.
Seeds which cannot be successfully stored for long periods are known as
One of the most important oilseed crop groundnut contains ___% oil.
True potato seed concept was given by____
Which implement is used to break hard pan in soil
How many seasons are there for seed certification in India?
Pungency in mustard is due to ______ chemical.
What is the minimum permissible genetic purity for certified seed?
Seed stratification is done in apples at ___°C for 60-90 days.
The method for producing fish seed in which all the nuclear genetic information originates from sperm while mmitochondrail DNA is still maternally deriv...
Which of the following is a method to break seed dormancy?