All Honest is Intelligent (A) → Conversion → Some Intelligent is Honest (I) + No Honest is Handsome (E) → Some Intelligent is not Handsome (O). Hence conclusion I follows. All Honest is Intelligent (A) + Some Intelligent is Smart (I) → No conclusion. Hence neither conclusion II nor III follow. No Honest is Handsome (E) → Conversion → Some Honest is not Handsome (O). Hence conclusion IV follows.
Raju, Shubham, and Mohan can work for 15 days, 20 days and 25 days respectively. In how many days will the work be finished if they do it on alternate d...
'Ankit' can complete a certain task by himself in 20 days. 'Bheema' is 40% more efficient than 'Ankit'. If 'Ankit' works alone fo...
"'Mahesh' is 40% less efficient than 'Neeraj.' 'Neeraj' takes 30 days fewer than 'Mahesh' to finish the same work. Find the time taken by 'Neeraj' to fi...
20 men can finish a work in 220 days, but at the end of 90 days, 20 additional men are employed. In how many more days will the work be completed?
A is five times as efficient as B and can finish a piece of work in 24 days less than B. B can finish this work in how many days?
24 delivery boys can complete a delivery in 15 days. If 12 boys start the same work, and after 12 days, 'd' more boys join the work, completing the rema...
The efficiency of P, Q, R, S are in the ratio of 6:5:4:3. If P and R can do a work together in 6 days. Then How many days Q and S will take to complete ...
3 men, 4 women and 5 boys can do a piece of work in 15 days, 20 days and 25 days respectively. For first 3 days 3 men and 2 women work together and for ...
'A' alone can finish a job in 12 days. If 'A' is twice as efficient as 'B' who is 20% as efficient as 'C', then find the time taken to finish the job if...
"Amit" and "Bhanu" have respective completion times of 20 and 30 days for a task. They began working together on the project, but after a few days, "Ami...