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All Numbers are Consonants (A) + Some Consonants are not Alphabets (O) → No conclusion. Hence neither conclusion I nor III follow. Few Numbers are Letters (I) → Conversion → Some Letters are Numbers (I) + All Numbers are Consonants (A) → Some Letters are Consonants (I). Hence conclusion II follows.
India ranked ___________ in the Start-up Ecosystem Ranking for 2019.
What Percentage of Aluminum is Present in Earth's Crust?
Which Indian NBFC was selected for the FATF Mutual Evaluation report 2023-24?
प्राचीन पांडुपोल मंदिर किस जिले में हैं ?
How many states do the biodiversity-rich Western Ghats span across in India?
Kanyakumari is situated in which state/UT?
Forwards contract can be reversed only with the same counter-party with whom it was entered into
Cairn Energy Co. is headquartered in which country?
Who among the following is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?
15th June is observed as?