No Smart is Honest (E) → conversion → No Honest is Smart (E) + Only a few Smart is Beautiful (I) → Some Beautiful are not Honest (O*) → No Beautiful may be Honest (E). Hence conclusion I follows. Only a few Beautiful is Intelligent → All Intelligent can be a Beautiful (A). Hence conclusion II does not follow.
Five persons P, Q, R, S and T have different heights. T is taller than R but shorter than P. S is shorter than R but not the shortest. Who among the fo...
Who has the least gram of gold?
Six persons P, V, A, S, K and R have different weights. A is heavier than only one person. V is just heavier than R, who is heavier than S. K is heavier...
Five persons N, P, R, U and Y have different weights. Only one person has more weight than Y. P is heavier than U but not the heaviest. Weight of second...
Seven persons (D, E, F, G, H, I, and J) have different number of chocolates. Only G has more chocolates than H. I has more chocolates than J and D. D ha...
In a class, all the students are standing in a row. If a particular student is 18th from both the ends, how many students are there in the cl...
In a class among five students, F has more marks than G and H, but H does not have least marks. I has more marks than J and J has more marks than F, who...
There are seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, who have different heights. U is taller than only two persons. R is taller than U and S but not the tall...
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F have different height but not necessarily in the same order. No one is taller than A. B is taller than D and F. C is jus...
Certain number of boxes are in a stack, such that the box, which is at the bottom, is numbered as 1, the box above it as 2 and so on. Box W is 14t...