Only year is month → All month are year and month cannot have any positive relation with anyone. Hence neither conclusion I nor III follow. No year is week (E) + Some week are days (I) → Some days are not year (O*). Hence conclusion II follows.
Below are four pairs, each representing a state and a folk dance. Which pairing of state and folk dance is incorrect?
In US Open 2022, the player that lost to Carlos Alcaraz is a _______ player.
Which of the following statements with reference to the Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) is/are correct?
1. Fulfil basic needs of destitute e...
Name a book maintained internationally by an organization which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and India also maintains it for plants and ...
Despite victory at Panipat in 1526, Babur faced which problems?
Ajit Ninan recently died due to cardiac arrest, best known for the 'Centrestage' series, contributed to which magazine where he gained recognition for ...
Consider the following statements about BIMSTEC and its recent developments:
1. BIMSTEC adopted its first charter on May 20, granting it a ‘...
Which of these bank/s included in PCA(Prompt Corrective Action)?
Fruit cracking is due to the deficiency of:
The Amount allocated to Atma Nirbhar Horticulture Clean Plant Program is Rs. ________?