Only wires are switches can be written in two ways = Some wires are switches (I) and All switches are wires (A). Hence, conclusion I will follows. Only nuts are boards ⇒ All boards are nuts. Hence, conclusion II will follows. Only nuts are boards = Some nuts are boards (I) and All boards are nuts (A). Hence, conclusion II will follow but conclusion III will not follow. All switches are wires (A) + No wire is a board (E) ⇒ No switch is a board(O). Hence, conclusion IV will follow.
Which of the following is an Adulterant for Coffee powder?
What is minimum temperature wheat crop?
What is the water requirement for chicken in liter/day?
T.S.S of jam is(ºBrix)
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Prokaryotic cell?
Counter stain used in gram staining is ________.
What is the role of "alligator holes" in conservation of wildlife?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: C3 weeds such as Avena fatua, Phalaris minor and Chenopodium album are generally more competiti...
It is estimated that about ______ stored grains are lost every year due to stored grain pest in India.
The micronutrient that is most cruical for Nitrogen metabolism in pulses is