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Mobile is a Gadget but are Tubelight is entirely different.
Under the India Semiconductor Mission (ISM), what was the total outlay for the Programme for Development of Semiconductors and Display Manufacturing Eco...
The Wallace and Weber lines are imaginary dividers used to mark the difference between _______________ found in Australia and Papua New Guinea and South...
Who was the first king of the Chola dynasty?
Where is the Central Scientific Instruments Organisation situated at?
Match the Following Shipyards with Their Locations:
A. Hindustan Shipyard Limited ...
दुर्ग नगरी किस शहर को कहा जाता है
The Cabinet has approved a semiconductor unit under India Semiconductor Mission (ISM) to be set up in Sanand, Gujarat. What will be the proposed capacit...
Moody's Analytics forecasts India's GDP growth for 2024 at what percentage?
भीलों का प्रसिद्ध लोकगीत जिसे स्त्री पुरूष साथ मिलकर गात...
The headquarters of the West Central Railway is situated in which city?