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‘ WIDE ’ is not possible as there is no letter ‘E’ in the word.
If A is unable to give sureties required u/s 436 of the Criminal Procedure Code, in spite of one whole week time given, police officer will:
A ordered certain goods to B, B has delivered them in succession to C, D, E and then to B.
In this case relevant facts will be?
Industrial trans fatty acids does not include
A sues B for inducing C to break a contract of service may by him with A, C on leaving A’s service, says to A–“I am leaving you because B has made...
According to the SEBI Act the Securities Appellate Tribunal shall________________
What is the time from when a registered document operates as per the Registration Act?
What is the composition of Adjudicating Authority under Prevention of money laundering act
Under which Section of CrPC, an arrested person is to be examined by the Government Medical Officer immediately after arrest?
Time requisite under the limitation Act means:
When the question is whether any person is owner of anything of which he is shown to be in possession, the burden of proving that he is not the owner is...