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Conversion rule for past tense is- Was/were + S + V (III) + by + obj. The answer is option 4- Was a museum visited by him?
Fats perform the following functions except for one function. Which function does fat NOT perform?
Which of the following is considered as an ancestor of angiosperm due to presence of vessels?
What is the main characteristic that makes Jersey bulls different from other dairy breeds?
A collection of plasmid clone containing recombinant DNA molecules so that the sum total of DNA insert represent the entire genome of the concerned org...
An equipment that uses synthetic materials with molecular composition comparable to pheromones to capture __________
Given below are two statements:
Statement I
Ginning percentage, colour, trash, fibre quality, and fibre length are the important commer...
Which of the following methods causes killing of microorganisms
The loss of herbicide after application to soil is due to
What is the name of trap used in IPM to lure the male insects?
What is the ideal time for planting the unrooted cutting of grapes direct in
the field?