Tap P can fill the tank in 5 hours and Tap Q can empty it in `7(1/2)` hours. Tap P starts filling and they opened for 1 hour each alternatively....
Present age of ‘A’ is 30% more than that of ‘B’. If 8 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 9 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of p...
The ratio of the present ages of P and Q is 8:5 respectively. If the age of P 10 years hence from now will be 100% more than the age of Q 4 years ago fr...
The average of the current ages of Armaan, Biju, Chinky, and Danny is 31 years. Two years from now, the average age of Armaan and Biju will be 22 years....
Seema’s present age is 1(1/2) times of her marriage. She married 12 years ago. Now she has a daughter whose age is 2 more than one third of her ag...
A girl’s age is 125% of what it was 10 years ago, but 75% of what it will be after 10 years. What is her present age?
Six years ago, the age of 'R' compared to the age of 'M' six years from now was in the ratio 4:7. If the current average age of 'R' and 'M' is 33 years,...
If the ratio of the ages of Karan and Saroj is 5 : 7. 8 years ago, the ratio of their ages was 2 : 3. Find the present age of Saroj?
B is 4 years older than A and A is 8 years older than C. If the sum of the age of A and C is 22 years, then find the sum of the ages of all three.
Ratio of present ages of A and B is 7:5, respectively. C who is 3 years older than A will become 36 years older after 12 years. Find the present age of B.