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Which of the following is not a micronutrient?
What is the primary time of application for a pre-emergence herbicide?
What is the symptom of Molybdenum deficiency in crucifers?
What does FYM stands for?
A soil having the organic carbon content of 0.55% then how much organic matter (%) would be:
About half of the essential plant nutrients are macronutrients; among which is foremost vital to form carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and other c...
A slope of ______________ % is good for highway and building constructions.
Tha soil having pH value of < 8.5 with EC (electrical conductivity) is > 4.0 millimhos/cm and ESP< 15, is ____ soil.
Stenospermocarpy refers to
Reverse transcription was first reported by ……………., who won the noble prize in 1975.