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The correct answer is E
Under Per Drop More Crop scheme the gov. provides financial assistance @ __% of the indicative unit cost to Small & Marginal farmers and @___% to other ...
Grey speck disease in oats takes place due to the deficiency of
What is the typical range of pressure at which tensiometers are used in soil moisture measurement?
In this type of training system, the central portion of the tree is eliminated, and the tree is encouraged to grow with an open, vase-like shape. This p...
The medium range weather forecasting is valid for
As per available statistics of Tripura Horticulture department identify the arrangement of crops in descending order of production in MT.
(i) ...
The MSP for Fair Average Quality (FAQ) of milling copra has been increased to Rs____ per quintal for 2022 season from Rs.10,335/- per quintal in 2021
Pre-soaking treatment with …………… increases the seed germination.
The ratio between organic N and S in crop residue generally ranges between:
Which organization is responsible for managing the Credit Guarantee Facility under the scheme?