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The correct answer is B
In October 2016, FSSAI operationalized the Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of
Foods) Regulations, 2016 for fortifying staples. Which o...
Which of the following plants bear true flowers with stamens, pistils or both with seed containing an embryo?
Specialized system which is produced from the leaf axil at the crown of the plant and prostate horizontally is known as
Which of the following is an elementary substance which is a good conductor of electricity but is not a metal?
Which are of the following describes the characteristics of Sedges?
Under which condition the hybrid seeds produced should be compulsorily subjected to grow out test for grant of certificate?
Sulphur dioxide is widely used to preserve:
………………will help in observing the availability of cash in the business throughout the year?
Which is the driver of increasing agricultural productivity of small and marginal farmers in India?
Polyembryony is a phenomenon where multiple embryos develop from a single fertilized egg. This phenomenon is observed in