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The correct answer is C
Income of A is twice the income of B. B and A spend 50% and 60% respectively of their incomes. Find the savings of A, if B saves Rs. 12000 in a month.
Anchal allocates 20% of his monthly salary to transportation, dedicates 50% to shopping, and invests 20% of the remaining balance in food expenses. The ...
An Urn has 120 Pink, 60 Green and 80 White Cards. 25% of Pink Cards and 50% of Green Cards are taken away, percentage of White Cards at present is
In a conference, 78% people were present, and the no. of absentees was 110. The total number of the people who were invited was
The salary of a man increased from Rs. 16000 per month to Rs. 18000 per month. Find the increase percent.
A student multiplied a number by 2/5 instead of 5/2. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
A money lender finds that due to a fall in the annual rate of interest from 10% to 8(3/4)%, his year's income diminishes by ₹84.50. Find his capital.
A man invested all his current month income in starting of a new business in which he spends 30% in advertisement 15% of remaining in furniture 20% of r...
In a colony, there are 120 APL families and 54 BPL families. Each APL and BPL family got blankets equal to 15% and 75%, respectively of total number of ...
In the year 2014, the population of a village P was 20% more than the population of village R.In the year 2015, after increasing by 40%, total populatio...