निश्चय ही यह नहीं हो सकता कि हम नागरिकों को संविधान के मूल्योंऔर दृष्टिकोण से अनभिज्ञ रखें और फिर उनसे जिम्मेदार नागरिक बनाने की आस लगाएँ।
The correct answer is D
Tea plant in natural growing condition can be termed as which of the following:
When pollen from a flower of one plant falls on the stigmas of other flowers of the same plant, as in Maize is known as ______
Vector of rice tungro disease?
'Sindhu' variety of mango is a cross of
What is the name of the first agricultural index launched by NITI Aayog on October 31, 2016?
Honey-comb structure is found in
If the price of 1 unit of electricity is Rs 10 then calculate the cost of running a tractor of 20 HP having electric motor having 100% efficiency in 100...
Which one of the following element responsible for pollen development?
Queen of cereals is
A cross between a single cross hybrid and an inbreed {(A × B) × C} is