The correct answer is A
H is taller than I. J is taller than K but shorter than L. I is shorter than K and K is taller than H. Who is the tallest person?
How many persons are shorter than U?
If L has 80 laptops than how many laptops does N has?
Five persons G, H, I, J and K has different number of pencils. G has more number of pencils than H and I, but I does not have least number of pencils. J...
If the weight of K and L are 45 Kg and 30 Kg respectively then how many persons are heavier than K?
Six friends have different number of chocolates. G has more chocolates than that of I and H. E has less chocolates than D but more chocolates than G. F...
Who scores the third highest?
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are of different ages. S is older than only T and R. Q is older than P but younger than U. R is not the youngest. The ag...
Six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U participated in a quiz competition. U score more than Q but less than R. T scores more than R but he does not score the ...
If another student N, who secured more marks than S, secured 78 marks and V secured 65 marks in the examination, then what will be the possible marks se...