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materialism - भौतिकता 'Being; should be used in 4th Sentence, That's why framing is improper in 4th sentence.
From which famous case law the rule of “Majority shall prevail” was inferred?
As per the Sales of Goods Act, 1930 when does an agreement to sell becomes a sale?
Which section of Hindu Succession Act mentions that the property of a female Hindu is to be her absolute property?
When there are several defendants, service of summons shall be made _____________.
According to the Information Technology Act, 2000 addressee means_________________
A contract is discharged by novation which means the__________________
As per the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 mineral oils include _____________
Under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 who has been given the power to amend the First Schedule and the Fourth Schedule so ...
Administrative Tribunals exercises
Which of the following is correctly matched according to Indian Evidence Act: