Debtor के लिए सही हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है
जमाकर्ता : Depositor
बीमादार :Insured
खाताधारक :account holder
The selling price of the book is 30% more than the selling price of the bag and the selling price of the bottle is 30% less than the selling price of th...
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 11%. If he had given a discount of 6% in place of 11%, then he would have earned Rs. 112 more. If the cost...
A dishonest seller, at the time of selling and purchasing uses weight 20% less and 20% more per kg respectively and marks up the price of his goods by 3...
The marked price of an article is Rs. 400 more than its cost price. The article is sold at 25% discount such that the seller earns a profit of Rs. 25. F...
A Publisher published 2500 books for Rs. 175000. He gave 400 books free as samples to some books shops, besides he was able to sell 2/3rd of the remaini...
A jewel was sold passing through 3 hands and overall, its price is raised by 60%. The first seller earns 15% profit, and the second seller earns 20% pro...
A dishonest shopkeeper makes a cheating of 25% at the time of buying the goods and 37.5% cheating at the time of selling the goods. He promises to sell ...
A trader bought an article for Rs. 1500 and marked it 25% above of its cost price. If he sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 30 then find the profit ...
Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.500 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.300. Find the...
A shopkeeper purchases 5 packs of chips for Rs. 75. For how much should he sell one pack to get a profit of 25%?