पदमुक्ति: resignation अधिवार्षिकी: SUPERANNUATION बर्खास्त:sacked सेवा-अवधि:service period
In the LTLT method of pasteurization, at what temperature is milk exposed for 30 minutes?
The World Meteorological Day is held annually on____
What is a market type based on time span?
The major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes includes
Which of following fungi is not used as a bio-control agent of plant diseases?
Calculating marketing margin and cost in fresh fruits marketing is meaningful when one follows
Assuming bulk density and particle density of a soil as 1.5 and 2.5 g/cc, respectively, value of porosity will be:
Which PGR is commonly used for rooting initiation in stem cuttings?
Lysine is a limiting amino acid in:
Ectocarpus, Dictyota,Laminaria, Sargassum are examples of _____