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The correct answer is E
Consider the following statements with reference to headline inflation:
I. It is a measure of inflation excluding the commodities which tend to b...
As per the Economic Survey 2023-24, what is the main challenge in promoting the summer cultivation of urad and moong?
As per the information by the Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), the share of export of MSME Specified products in all ...
What is the primary benefit of the e-NAM platform for farmers?
Which of the following is/are the functions of IMF?
I- To provide financial assistance to member countries with balance of payments problems, the...
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) is a new name given to Aajeevika – NRLM in ______________.
In the event of non-supply of food grains, how the Government compensate the beneficiaries under the NFSA?
Which of the following is the investment arm of World Bank?
Recently, the Ministry of Education has launched SCALE app. It is meant for ___________.
Which of the following provides the measure of the general price inflation in an economy?