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The correct answer is C
In a code language, ‘GOODLUCK’ is written as ‘MEWNFQI’. How will ‘FORTUNE’ be written in the same language?
Statement. To maintain the structure of the Taj Mahal, a revival of Yamuna river is necessary.
Choose one of the following options.
In the question below, some letters are given in two ovals, intersecting each other. The letter(s) given in the intersected portion can be used more tha...
Find out the correct alternative that when filled in the blanks in the same sequence will make the series logically complete.
Select the option in which the number-pair does NOT share the same relationship as that shared by the given number-pair.
7 : 216
David divides 78 by half and adds 11. What number he gets at the end?
In a certain code language, 'LAMP' is coded as 'IWJL'. What is the code for 'LOGS' in that code language?
In a group of 102 students, Priya’s rank is 25th from the top and Kusum’s rank is 20th from the bottom. How many students are between Pri...
Which two numbers and two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
4 + 2 ÷ 7 + 8 × 9 = 25
In a certain code language, 'good morning' is coded as 'mu du', 'early morning tea' is coded as 'du tu se', 'tea is early' is coded as 'se re tu'. What ...