The correct answer is B
In which soil order is cryopedoturbation, a frost churning process resulting from the freezing and thawing of soil material, predominantly observed?
Soil is a natural body composed of mineral and organic costituents, having definite genesis and a distinct nature of its own. Who amongst the following ...
Sodic soils are also known as_____
Which factor significantly influences the decomposition rate of organic matter in soils?
Reclammation of acidic soils is done by the use of……………………..
Sand drawn disease in tobacco is caused due to the deficiency of ____
The disorder of carrot that occurs due to undecomposed manure and hard soil pan
……………………………is a key factor for successful crop production and it is a measure of capacity of soil to supply plant nutrients.
...Nutrient that imparts winter hardiness to plant is____
Biological oxidation of elemental Sulphur is carried out by which of the following bacteria?