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" लीला मोबाइल एप" की मुख्य विशेषताएँ निम्न हैं: ( i ) यह मोबाइल पर हिन्दी सीखने के लिए निशुल्क उपलब्ध है। (ii) यह गूगल तथा एप्पल एप स्टोरों में उपलब्ध है। स्टोर के सर्च में लीला - राजभाषा ( Lila rajbhasha) डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है। (iii) " लीला मोबाइल एप" पूर्णतया यूजर फ्रेंडली है। (iv) इस के द्वारा अंग्रेजी असमिया , बांगला , नेपाली , उड़िया , पंजाबी , गुजराती , मराठी , तमिल , तेलुगू , कन्नड़ और मलयालम के माध्यम से हिन्दी सीखी जा सकती है।
A train crosses a stationary tree in 13 seconds and a 150-meter-long bridge in 18 seconds. If a dog is walking in the same direct...
Train P travelling at 52 km/hr crosses another train Q, having three fourth of its length and travelling in opposite direction at 20 km/hr in 21 seconds...
A person sees a train passing over 6 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 5 mins. What is th...
A train has to cover a distance of 90 km in 15 hours. If it covers half the journey in 4/5 th of the time, the speed to cover remaining distance in the ...
A person sees a train passing over 4 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 4 mins. What is th...
A person sees a train passing over 4 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 8 mins. What is th...
A train covers a certain distance at a speed of 40 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 70 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 12...
A train 'D' departed from Lucknow at 7:00 PM, traveling at a speed of 66 km/h, and reached Kolkata. Meanwhile, Train 'C' left Kol...
A person sees a train passing over 4 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 4 mins. What is th...
Without stopping the speed of the train is 135 kmph, with stopping the speed of the train is 90 kmph.Find the stop time of the train?