If the average of 38, 49, 42, and 'b' is 50, then find the value of '2b'.
The average age of A, B, and C is 20 years. 3 years ago, the sum of the ages of A and B was 7 more than that of C. Find the present age of C.
The average of 5 numbers is 42. When one of the numbers is excluded, the average of the remaining four numbers becomes 38. Determ...
The average age of 10 men is increased by 2 years when two of them whose age are 24 and 26 years replaced by two new men. The average age of the two ne...
The average weight of 7 men decreases by 3 kg when one of them weighing 150 kg is replaced by another person. Find the weight of the new person
The average weight of 16 people increases by 500 grams when two individuals, each with an average weight of 40 kg, are added. What is the new average we...
The average marks scored by 30 boys and 40 girls are 75 and 85 respectively. Find the average marks scored by all the students together. (Answer should ...
The average height of each student in a class of 36 students is 169 cm. If 4 new students joined the class, then the average height of the each student ...
The average cost price of 12 pens (having equal cost price) decreased by Rs.2, when one of the pen is replaced by a new pen having cost price of Rs.80. ...
The average age of 25 children and their teacher's age are 20 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?