स्पष्टीकरण: आमोर्टिज़ेशन का अर्थ होता है "कर्ज का चुकाव"। इसमें आप धीरे-धीरे उधार के मुख्य राशि को चुकता करते हैं।
Which of the following is the code for ‘opera’?
In a certain code language ‘BREWER’ is written as ‘DRAQEV’ and ‘CANOPY’ is written as ‘MABXPN. How is ‘BUBBLE’ written in that code? ...
In a certain code language, STRIKE is coded as 6 – 82, and BOWLED is coded as 6 – 61. How will FANTASTIC be coded in that language?
What does the code “%G18 %B19 #O16” stand for?
If 'FIRE' is coded as 3 and 'GAINING' as 6, then what is the code number for the word 'SHRINE'?
Which of the following words is coded as “wc” in the given language?
Which of the following may be the code for ‘hope live’ ?
If CIRCLE coded as LZSBGJ and SQUARE is coded as TPVZGP, then what is the code for CUBOID?
What is the code for “Others” in the given code language?