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Best nitrogenous fertilizer for rice crop is
The isolation distance for the foundation seed of rice is:
In animal husbandry term Galactopoiesis refers to
Microbodies associated with mitochondria and chloroplasts containing the enzyme glycolate oxidase are known as
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: A Geographical Information Syst...
Given below are two statements
Statement I: A soil with good tilth is quite porous and has free drainage up to water table
Statement II: T...
Vertical section of soil is called as
Leaf area index influences
How much premium will be provided for each 0.1% increase in recovery rate over and above 10.25%?
Consider the following statements and choose the correct statements:
(A). Sugarcane has kranz anatomy in their leaves
(B). Maize is a C...