भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो ने देवनागरी लिपि तथा हिंदी वर्तनी का मानकीकरण करने हेतु भारतीय मानक (आईएस) 16500: 2012 का निर्धारण किया है। यह मानक हिंदी भाषा के मानकीकरण के साथ-साथ ऐसे हिंदीतर भाषी और विदेशी लोगों के लिए भी अत्याधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है, जो हिंदी सीखने के इच्छुक हैं।
The lateral surface area of a cube is 100 cm2 . The length of a cuboid is 40% more than the side of the cube. The breadth of the cuboid is 6...
If the volume of a cuboidal tank is 2240 m3 and the ratio of the length, width and height of tank is 8:7:5 respectively then find the height...
If a six digit number 3x 7z 8y is divisible by 7, 11, 13, then the average value of x, y, z is:
The side of a cube is 4m more than the side of a square. If the ratio of lateral surface area of the cube and the area of the square is 9:1, then what w...
If the volume of a sphere is 500 cm³, then find the surface area of the sphere. [Take π = 3]
(190/3)% of the raindrops could have been collected, when 2 cm of rain has fallen on a part of land of area 3 km2, in a tank having a 200 m &...
A rectangle has a length to breadth ratio of 7:5. The length is increased by 15% without any change to the breadth, resulting in an 84 m² increase in t...
In what time would a Cistern be filled by three pipes whose diameter are 2cm, 8/3 cm and 4cm running together, where the largest pipe alone fill it in 1...
The radius of a cone is 7 cm, and its height is 24 cm. A sphere is inscribed in the cone, touching the base and the curved surface. Find the radius of t...
In a rectangle, the ratio of length and breadth is 3:2 and its perimeter is 240 cm, then what the area of the rectangle?